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  6. PostgreSQL


Here we will detail the necessary metrics to verify the performance on the PostgreSQL database engine and verify its status. The fundamental characteristics are:

  • Active connections (SQL processing).
  • Detailed use of tampons.
  • Count of control points
  • Inactive in transaction connections.
  • Block expected connections.
  • Use of the connection
  • Slow consultations
  • Committed to delayed transactions.

The necessary requirements for configuring the PostgreSQL monitreo are:

  • Use versions greater than 9.2.
  • User with trusted access in pg_hba

To start with the corresponding monitoring configuration, enter the server where the PostgreSQL database engine is located, and perform the following steps:

  1. Create fictitious database nubity:
    postgres- # create database nubity;
  2. Add trusted user to the pg_hba.conf file. Check if you have a line that matches local connections in all databases and all users similar to this:
    local all all md5
  3. In that case, insert this line before:
    local nubity nubity trust
  4. Restart PostgreSQL
    su - postgres
    /usr/pgsql-9.2/bin/pg_ctl reload

Note: the pg_ctl path may vary depending on the version of PostgreSQL


Then they should set the following values ​​in the configuration of the addons:

  • PostgreSQL IP address: Configure the IP address in which the server should listen for connections from client applications. The default value is
  • PostgreSQL port: Configure the port where the server listens. The default value is 5432.
  • PostgreSQL user: Configure the authentication user to connect to PostgreSQL (access without password must be granted in pg_hba.conf)
  • PostgreSQL Database: Configure the database used to log in to PostgreSQL (it could be an empty database, ie: nubity)
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