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Sign up to the platform

In this section is explained the step by step sign up process to MyNubity platform by adding a new company.

First of all, please go to the site: my.nubity.com, where the next screen will be displayed:


To create an account, the sign up process starts by clicking the top right blue Sign Up button, which will takes you to the Sign up screen:


In the form you’ll register a company and a user which will have the top most privileges in the company (super user). If the company you’re trying to register already exists on the platform, ask to the company’s administrator to invites you to the company’s team inside MyNubity.

To extra dedails about inviting a user to an existing company, please go to the next link: User invite.

Then complete the following Data:

Fist name, Last name: User's first name and last name.

Company email: User's email address on the company you're trying to register. This email will be validated, please type a valid email address.

Password: Password to log in to the platform. A strong password is highly recommended, it might contain a combination of numbers, letters (uppercase and lowercase) and symbols for more security.

Phone: Company's phone number. This filed will automatically update with your country code, if you want to change the country code, pick your code by selecting from the menu.

Company name: Name of the company to register.

Right after complete the form, by clicking the lower Sign up button, the data will be sent and Nubity will email you to the registered address in order to verify the account. In the email, the user will find a welcome message and a link, by clicking that link the account will be activated, allowing the user to log in and use all the functions in MyNubity. Please keep in mind: if the account is not verified via email, the user won’t be able to log in to MyNubity.

When an account is correctly verified, a new page on the browser will open and log in automatically. The following message will be displayed:

****Congratulations! Your account has been successfully verified****

If you don’t receive the verification email, for any reason, and you can’t verify you account, try to log in (Log in to MyNubity) with the data you entered in the Sign up form, if the data is correct, Nubity will send the verification email again in order to verify your account. The following message will be displayed:

****You haven't verified your account yet. Please, check your inbox and search for the email we've sent.****


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